Hi! I’m Jericho. I build email marketing campaigns.
I’ll manage your email campaigns so you’re always on your customers' minds.
Get results.
You deserve it.
Get results. ⋆ You deserve it.
Pull back on the social ad spending that’s not getting results. Give some love to email marketing—which has a median ROI of 122%. You read that right.
Don’t let your customers forget about you. Let them know you’re there. And you’re awesome.
Deliver targeted messages and well-timed offers to convert subscribers to paying customers.
Create a brand personality that your customers love.
Check out the results I got for my clients.
You have to throw some jabs before you hit them with a haymaker. Your email campaigns land jabs by telling your customers that you’re there and you’re amazing. Grow your business one open and click at a time.
Nurtured Leads with Email Content Subscribers Loved
Aklasu owned an email list but hesitated to use it. I started sending emails with MailChimp to nurture relationships with new and returning customers. I wrote email copy, and managed email marketing campaigns that averaged 60% open rate and 6% click-through rates.
My email marketing strategy increased traffic to the website, generated sales and received glowing feedback from subscribers.
Getting Leads with Your Eyes Closed
Every online business needs a lead generator to scoop up leads while they sleep. I collaborated with Aklasu’s Creative Director to create the Tie Pairing Guide. We wrote and designed the branded guide to help customers answer one of their most important questions.
Thanks to clear and concise language, and solid execution of the concept, Aklasu’s Tie Pairing Guide has generated 500 email subscribers (and counting).
Nurture relationships with your customers.
Fill out the form and let’s start a conversation about how email marketing will grow your business.